School is almost out for my girls. They are out on June 8th and I personally couldn't be happier because I am ready to not have to deal with Hannah's teachers BS anymore. I also want to be able to do things this summer. Since I am no longer working .. not by choice. I got laid off at the casino and I am on the hunt for a job. I know funds are going to be tight so doing much this summer with be hard but at least we can do a lot of swimming here at home and picnics. :) I plan to get a job as soon as possible. The stress of not having one is no fun.
The girls and I have already been swimming a lot and loving the pool we have at home. It is definitely going to make the summer much more bearable. I hate the heat and will probably be at the pool as much as possible. Hannah will be going down to visit my sister, niece, mom and grandma the week after school gets out. She is excited to have time away from her sisters as she puts it. lol She will be ready to come home though in a week. hehe
Steve and I are still planning our wedding. BUT a little change of plans. We are going to go to the county clerk and get married and then we are going to save money for the next year and then have a ceremony on our one year wedding anniversary. I am excited for the next chapter in our lives. We have been through SO SO much and that has only made our love for each other stronger.
I am trying to find things to occupy my time, like getting the girls active in sports or events, but as usual that normally costs lots of money with three of them. I say this because I have a man in my life that NEVER slows down for anything and I hate just sitting at home doing nothing. I need to be busy and occupy my time as well as my girls time, especially since I am not working right now. So going to hang out with friends and go swimming and start taking our kids to the park will be great too. I need to get out more. lol Between my mans business, full time job and now firefighting he rarely is home and stays VERY busy. So I need things to do. So I want to start little trips to the library and things like that so the girls have good books to read.
Ok ok I am rambling .. time to go clean the house some now that the girls are resting ..