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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Probably the hardest 3 months of my life

I will start from the beginning so you can understand why things are the way they are.  I have a history of migraines and tension headaches,  recently in the last few months they have been getting more intense in pain and causing me to feel dizzy and faint.  The first week of April I developed what I thought was a migraine and I just couldnt get rid of it so I went to the ER after throwing up for 2 days straight and I was so miserable.  I went to Kaiser and got injections and they didnt touch the pain,  the nurse said to go home and sleep it off.  I was on my normal day off of work.  So I went home and slept.  Woke up still feeling awful.  My head pounding and feeling sick to my stomache.  Normally I can get rid of them with the injections and I havent had a migraine in almost a year in a half.  The next morning I woke up and just couldnt take it anymore so I asked Steve to take me to Sutter Roseville this time.  So once at Sutter they did there protocol for migraines, which is an IV with fluids and IV meds.  I started feeling better and my headache eased up and I left there feeling pretty good,  just weak.  Although I had to work.  So I went to work that night.  BAD idea.  Not even 3 hours into my shift my head started pounding again and my nausea was back.  I couldnt leave work because if we leave it counts as an attendance write up and I was already on a verbal and didnt want to go to a final.  So I toughed it out but the lights, smoke and noise was just k illing me.  I made it through the night.  Came home and went to bed and had a rough night trying to sleep. 

The next morning I called my Dad and asked if he could take the girls so Steve could once again take me to the ER because I couldnt stop throwing up again and my head pain was horrible.  So he said that was fine.  And off to Sutter once again we went.  UGH!  Once at Sutter we got to the back and the Dr said that since the migraine protocol didnt work then it probably wasnt a migraine headache that it was a tension headache and he would prescribe me a med for it and a med for the nausea and that I couldnt go to work because it was a narcotic and would affect my judgement and handling money wouldnt be good.  Great!  He said he would write me a note.  Well this place I call a job,  doesnt accept Dr. notes we still get written up.  Nice huh?!?  So I agreed at this point I didnt care I was so done being in pain and being at the ER.  I left there and got my meds.  The girls stayed at my dads and I took that med and was out for 10 hours straight,  woke up with no headache.  Although Steve came home at midnight to find me passed out in the hallway and had a hard time waking me up.  I do remember getting up to go to the bathroom but dont know how long I was there.  I think it was a combo of the narcotic and me feeling dizzy. 

So I did get in trouble at work and went to a written.  :(  Hey thats life,  I felt better and was able to function and thats all I cared about at that point.  I just recently went full time and have been waiting on my benefits so I could go to the Dr for my migraines again.  In the meantime I was put on this new narcotic and imitrex by the ER Dr and only took it when needed.  I was at work on last Friday and developed yet again another migraine and left the floor to get sick and was in the bathroom and stood up too fast after getting sick and felt dizzy and faint and fe;l forward and hit my cheek on the toilet paper roll in the stall.  I had a huge bruise and my boss made an EMT look at me and they sent me home.  I didnt ask to go home because I knew I would be written up and put on a final and I didnt want that.  So I came home and took one of my narcotic pills and went to bed and got rid of my migraine and felt much better on Saturday and went to work Saturday and Sunday.  On Monday I was on the floor for almost 2 hours when I get a call to go to HR,  so I did thinking it was about my benefits,  Nope wrong.  HR told me I needed to go home and not come back until I get a Dr note saying that I am able to work to my fullest potential on the new meds I was taking.  Yea really?  They think that is why I fell in the bathroom on Friday.  Ok then why did they let me work Saturday and Sunday then?   This place is a joke.  UGH!  Oh well!  So I left and was going on my days off (Tues and Weds)  So I got up Tues morning and went to the ER and got a note from a Dr releasing me saying the meds were fine.  Cause I only take the narcotic at night time.  So I take the note directly to HR and they release me back to work.  While I am there my big head boss stops me in the hall and I ask her if I was also going to get written up for being sent home for HR and she says no but you are being written up for being sent home on Friday.  That is bull crap cause I didnt ask to go home my shift manager said I couldnt work under the condition I was in.  So I am fighting that write up.  Grrrrr

I get my benefits and they are active now as of April 1st so I go to the Dr this friday and I got some really bad news.  I wanted to express to him that my migraines are a problem and I wanted to also have him fill out fmla paperwork so I am protected at work when I call off for a migraine and I wont be written up because I have a chronic medical condition (migraines)  So he had no problem filling out the paperwork.  I also expressed to him that I might need to see a neurologist or headache specialist to get to the bottom of these headaches since I have had them all my life with no relief.  He asked if I have had any passing out spells and I told him yes and Steve explained what happened and as well as what happened at work.  Well the bad news is by law he has to report to DMV that I have passing out spells and now I have lost my drivers license for 3 months minimum and I cant drive. :(  I am soooo upset.  I now have to depend on everyone else to get me to work,  to take my girls to and from school.  I know it doesnt sound that bad, but I am a very very independent woman and like to do things for myself and this has really really hit me hard.  Driving is my outlet.  I like to sometimes just get in my car with my camera and go take photos,  I cant do that now.  I am now stuck in the house unless I call someone for a ride.  :(  I dont know if I can take this.  The next 3 months will be challenge that is for sure.  I cant just get in the car and go to the grocery store when I run out of something.  UGH!  I have been crying all weekend and I am so down. :(  So emotional.  I know that this might be for the best so I dont harm my kids or some innocent person if I pass out while driving but this is hard to take in.  I would never want to harm my kids or someone else and I know that the Dr is by law doing what he has to do.  BUT I just hate this.  :(  But on a good note I am getting a MRI and I am being referred to a neurologist and will get to the bottom of what is going on with these darn migraines.  Hopefully!

So that is my bad news.  I am just so darn upset.  I am trying to stay busy but there is only so much I can do in this darn house.  :( 


Mrs. Deputy said...

Thats got to really suck monkey balls. Hopefully the time goes by fast for you

Mrs. Deputy said...

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Janelle said...

You hang in there my friend. I'll be thinking of you. Remember what I said in my email...if you need anything let me know.Love you.