A few days ago I sent my doctor an email telling him I was always tired and thought maybe my thyroid was low again and that it hadn't been checked in 2 years so I thought it was time. He agreed. I went in and did my blood work and he did a check on my thyroid, liver, kidneys, bone marrow, cholesterol and vitamin D levels.
Yesterday I received an email from my doctor telling me that my cholesterol is GREAT! Keep up the good work, my thyroid, liver, kidneys, and bone marrow were within the levels they should be BUT my vitamin D level was extremely low. It is suppose to be 50-75ng and mine is 12ng right now and he is pretty concerned about that because having low vitamin D can lead to bone issues, depression, fatigue (which I seriously have) and other issues. So he prescribed 50,000iu of vitamin D supplement . WOWZA! That is a high dose. I cannot wait to start taking the supplement so I can start to feel better ... I am tired of always being tired.
So all in all my bloodwork was great news. Once I get on my prescription of vitamin D and start feeling better I will be a happy girl. :)
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