I was over weight and unhealthy and miserable. I decided to make the change to lose weight with the help of my sisters and mom. I was at the time living with my sister and she was helping me by following the same diet and exercise and forcing me to get my butt out there and walk and get the exercise I needed to continue losing weight. I started this diet plan in Feb. 2006 and did really well on it. In a year I lost 80 lbs. I have since hit a platuea and have gone up and down in my weight like a rollercoaster and its getting depressing. I need to lose ALOT more weight and get this off and keep it off. I am ready to get determined and motivated again.
My goals-
1.) Walk at least 30-40 mins to start and gradually get back up to an hour.
2.) Continue to eat a low carb high protein diet and disicpline myself with the things I crave.
3.) Drink ALOT more water.
4.) Workout for 5-10 mins on my Ab Circle, both Abs and thighs.
5.) Keep the determination and motivation.
So there is a few goals I have set for myself. I have weighed in and measured myself and will update how many inches I have lost and pounds as well.
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